
mercoledì 1 giugno 2011

Reinstall the SBS 2008 CompanyWeb Website from scratch

Thanks to Patrick Sullivan !!

Original article here:



Something every engineer who has SBS fall within their brief dreads, is one day having to rebuild the Internal Database, Sharepoint, IIS and CompanyWeb components. Due to a recent natural disaster, we had to restore a client's server from backup, which required a new identical server be built and data restored into it from backup. The system state restore process restored the client's data, but broke pretty much every native component on our new SBS server. And, while there were documented procedures for some of the issues, even the SBS repair guide doesn't seem to have a procedure yet (03/07/11) for reinstalling the SBS 2008 CompanyWeb Website. It took a fair bit of trial and error to get it going. So, hopefully this will help someone stuck in the same situation.

This post will cover the below topics required to rebuild the core SBS 2008 Web Components from the ground up, all of which combine to reinstate the CompanyWeb website. However, you can pick and choose which parts might be relevant to your situation;


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